What Does Easy on the Eyes Mean
(ē′zē)adj. eas·i·er, eas·i·est
a. Capable of being accomplished or acquired with ease; posing no difficulty: an easy victory; an easy problem.
b. Likely to happen by accident or without intention: It's easy to slip on the wet floor. It's easy to push the wrong button.
2. Requiring or exhibiting little effort or endeavor; undemanding: took the easy way out of her problems; wasn't satisfied with easy answers.
3. Free from worry, anxiety, trouble, or pain: My mind was easy, knowing that I had done my best.
a. Affording comfort or relief; soothing: soft light that was easy on the eyes.
b. Prosperous; well-off: easy living; easy circumstances.
5. Causing little hardship or distress: an easy penalty; a habit that isn't easy to give up.
6. Socially at ease: an easy, good-natured manner.
a. Relaxed in attitude; easygoing: an easy disposition.
b. Not strict or severe; lenient: an easy teacher; easy standards.
8. Readily exploited, imposed on, or tricked: an easy mark; an easy victim.
a. Not hurried or forced; moderate: an easy pace; an easy walk around the block.
b. Light; gentle: an easy tap on the shoulder.
10. Not steep or abrupt; gradual: an easy climb.
11. Economics
a. Less in demand and therefore readily obtainable: Commodities are easier this quarter.
b. Plentiful and therefore at low interest rates: easy money.
12. Promiscuous; loose.
1. Without haste or agitation: Relax and take it easy for a while.
2. With little effort; easily: success that came too easy.
3. In a restrained or moderate manner: Go easy on the butter.
4. Without much hardship or cost: got off easy with only a small fine.
easy as pie Informal
Capable of being accomplished or done with no difficulty.
[Middle English esi, from Old French aaisie, past participle of aaisier, to put at ease : a-, to (from Latin ad-, ad-) + aise, ease; see ease.]
eas′i·ness n.
Synonyms: easy , simple , facile , effortless
These adjectives mean requiring little effort or posing little if any difficulty. Easy applies to tasks that require little effort: a recipe that is easy to prepare; an easy hike around the lake. Simple implies a lack of complexity that facilitates understanding or performance: instructions that are simple to follow; a simple problem that took little time to fix. Facile stresses fluency stemming from preparation: the author's facile use of literary conventions. Often, though, the word implies glibness or insincerity, superficiality, or lack of care: a supervisor's facile dismissal of an employee suggestion. Effortless refers to performance in which the application of great strength or skill makes the execution seem easy: wrote effortless prose. See Also Synonyms at comfortable.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(ˈiːzɪ)adj, easier or easiest
1. not requiring much labour or effort; not difficult; simple: an easy job.
2. free from pain, care, or anxiety: easy in one's mind.
3. not harsh or restricting; lenient: easy laws.
4. tolerant and undemanding; easy-going: an easy disposition.
5. readily influenced or persuaded; pliant: she was an easy victim of his wiles.
6. not tight or constricting; loose: an easy fit.
7. not strained or extreme; moderate; gentle: an easy pace; an easy ascent.
8. (Economics) economics
a. readily obtainable
b. (of a market) characterized by low demand or excess supply with prices tending to fall. Compare tight10
9. informal ready to fall in with any suggestion made; not predisposed: he is easy about what to do.
10. slang sexually available
11. easy on the eye informal pleasant to look at; attractive, esp sexually
12. woman of easy virtue a sexually available woman, esp a prostitute
13. informal in an easy or relaxed manner
14. easy does it informal go slowly and carefully; be careful
15. go easy on
a. to use in moderation
b. to treat leniently
16. (Military) stand easy military a command to soldiers standing at ease that they may relax further
17. take it easy
a. to avoid stress or undue hurry
b. to remain calm; not become agitated or angry
vb, easies, easying or easied
(Rowing) (usually imperative) Also: easy-oar to stop rowing
[C12: from Old French aisié, past participle of aisier to relieve, ease]
Usage: Easy is not used as an adverb by careful speakers and writers except in certain set phrases: to take it easy; easy does it. Where a fixed expression is not involved, the usual adverbial form of easily is preferred: this polish goes on more easily (not easier) than the other
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈi zi)adj.andadv. eas•i•er, eas•i•est. adj.
1. requiring no great labor or effort; not hard or difficult.
2. free from pain, discomfort, worry, or care: an easy mind.
3. providing or conducive to ease or comfort; comfortable.
4. easygoing; relaxed: an easy disposition.
5. not harsh or strict; lenient.
6. not burdensome or oppressive: easy terms on a loan.
7. not difficult to influence or overcome; compliant: easy prey.
8. free from formality, constraint, or embarrassment: an easy manner.
9. effortlessly clear and fluent: an easy style of writing.
10. not tight or constricting: an easy fit.
11. not forced or hurried; moderate: an easy pace.
12. not steep; gradual.
13. not difficult to obtain; in plentiful supply and often weak in price.
adv.14. in an easy manner; easily; comfortably: to go easy; to take it easy.
Idioms:take it or go easy on,
a. to act with moderation in using or consuming: Take it easy on the popcorn.
b. to treat with clemency: to go easy on a prisoner.
[1150–1200; Middle English aisie, esy < Anglo-French (a)eisie, Old French aisié, aised, past participle of aisier to ease]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
– easily1. 'easy'
Something that is easy can be done or achieved without effort or difficulty, because it is not complicated and causes no problems.
Both sides had secured easy victories earlier in the day.
The task was not easy.
The comparative and superlative forms of easy are easier and easiest.
This is much easier than it sounds.
This was the easiest stage.
You can say that it is easy to do something. For example, instead of saying 'Riding a camel is easy', you can say 'It is easy to ride a camel'. You can also say 'A camel is easy to ride'.
It is always very easy to be cynical about politics.
The house is easy to keep clean.
2. 'easily'
Easy is not an adverb, except in the expressions go easy, take it easy, and easier said than done. If you want to say that something is done without difficulty, you say that it is done easily.
Put things in a place where you can find them quickly and easily.
Belgium easily beat Mexico 3-0.
The comparative and superlative forms of easily are more easily and most easily.
Milk is digested more easily when it is skimmed.
This is the format that is most easily understood by customers.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:
Adj. | 1. | easy - posing no difficulty; requiring little effort; "an easy job"; "an easy problem"; "an easy victory"; "the house is easy to heat"; "satisfied with easy answers"; "took the easy way out of his dilemma" undemanding - requiring little if any patience or effort or skill; "the pay was adequate and the job undemanding"; "simple undemanding affection"; "an undemanding boss" effortless - requiring or apparently requiring no effort; "the swallows glided in an effortless way through the busy air" soft - compassionate and kind; conciliatory; "he was soft on his children" simple - having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved; "a simple problem"; "simple mechanisms"; "a simple design"; "a simple substance" difficult, hard - not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; "a difficult task"; "nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"; "difficult times"; "why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?" |
2. | easy - not hurried or forced; "an easy walk around the block"; "at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace" easygoing, leisurely unhurried - relaxed and leisurely; without hurry or haste; "people strolling about in an unhurried way"; "an unhurried walk"; "spoke in a calm and unhurried voice" | |
3. | easy - free from worry or anxiety; "knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy"; "an easy good-natured manner"; "by the time the chsild faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words" comfortable - free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind; "was settled in a comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared"; "the comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong"; "was comfortable in his religious beliefs"; "she's a comfortable person to be with"; "she felt comfortable with her fiance's parents" relaxed - without strain or anxiety; "gave the impression of being quite relaxed"; "a relaxed and informal discussion" uneasy - lacking a sense of security or affording no ease or reassurance; "farmers were uneasy until rain finally came"; "uneasy about his health"; "gave an uneasy laugh"; "uneasy lies the head that wears the crown"; "an uneasy coalition government"; "an uneasy calm"; "an uneasy silence fell on the group" | |
4. | easy - affording pleasure; "easy good looks" pleasing - giving pleasure and satisfaction; "a pleasing piece of news"; "pleasing in manner and appearance" | |
5. | easy - having little impact; "an easy pat on the shoulder"; "gentle rain"; "a gentle breeze"; "a soft (or light) tapping at the window" gentle, soft light - of little intensity or power or force; "the light touch of her fingers"; "a light breeze" | |
6. | easy - readily exploited or tricked; "an easy victim"; "an easy mark" impressible, impressionable, waxy - easily impressed or influenced; "an impressionable youngster"; "an impressionable age"; "a waxy mind" | |
7. | ![]() prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-do, comfortable rich - possessing material wealth; "her father is extremely rich"; "many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles" | |
8. | easy - marked by moderate steepness; "an easy climb"; "a gentle slope" gentle gradual - (of a topographical gradient) not steep or abrupt; "a gradual slope" | |
9. | easy - affording comfort; "soft light that was easy on the eyes" comfortable, comfy - providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief (`comfy' is informal); "comfortable clothes"; "comfortable suburban houses"; "made himself comfortable in an armchair"; "the antihistamine made her feel more comfortable"; "are you comfortable?"; "feeling comfy now?" | |
10. | ![]() promiscuous, wanton, loose, light unchaste - not chaste; "unchaste conduct" | |
11. | easy - less in demand and therefore readily obtainable; "commodities are easy this quarter" economic science, economics, political economy - the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management available - obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service; "kept a fire extinguisher available"; "much information is available through computers"; "available in many colors"; "the list of available candidates is unusually long" | |
12. | easy - obtained with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally; "easy money" economic science, economics, political economy - the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management abundant - present in great quantity; "an abundant supply of water" | |
Adv. | 1. | easy - with ease (`easy' is sometimes used informally for `easily'); "she was easily excited"; "was easily confused"; "he won easily"; "this china breaks very easily"; "success came too easy" easily colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech |
2. | easy - without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly'); "he spoke slowly"; "go easy here--the road is slippery"; "glaciers move tardily"; "please go slow so I can see the sights" slow, slowly, tardily colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech | |
3. | easy - in a relaxed manner; or without hardship; "just wanted to take it easy" (`soft' is nonstandard) soft colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. simple, straightforward, no trouble, not difficult, effortless, painless, clear, light, uncomplicated, child's play (informal), plain sailing, undemanding, a pushover (slang), a piece of cake (informal), no bother, a bed of roses, easy-peasy (slang), a piece of piss (taboo slang), EZ (S.M.S.) This is not an easy task.
simple hard, demanding, difficult, complex, impossible, exhausting, exacting, stiff, tense, formidable, arduous, onerous
2. untroubled, contented, relaxed, satisfied, calm, peaceful, serene, tranquil, quiet, undisturbed, unworried, EZ (S.M.S.) I was not altogether easy in my mind about this decision.
3. relaxed, friendly, open, natural, pleasant, casual, informal, laid-back (informal), graceful, gracious, unaffected, easy-going, affable, unpretentious, unforced, undemanding, unconstrained, unceremonious, EZ (S.M.S.) She laughed and joked and made easy conversation with everyone.
relaxed forced, affected, formal, anxious, stiff, uncomfortable, unnatural, self-conscious
4. carefree, comfortable, pleasant, leisurely, well-to-do, trouble-free, untroubled, cushy (informal), unworried, easeful, EZ (S.M.S.) She has had a very easy life.
carefree difficult, worried, uncomfortable, stressful, insecure
5. tolerant, light, liberal, soft, flexible, mild, laid-back (informal), indulgent, easy-going, lenient, permissive, unoppressive, EZ (S.M.S.) I guess we've always been too easy with our children.
tolerant hard, demanding, difficult, strict, exacting, harsh, stern, rigid, inflexible, dictatorial, intolerant, unyielding
6. (Informal) accommodating, yielding, manageable, easy-going, compliant, amenable, submissive, docile, pliant, tractable, biddable, EZ (S.M.S.) `Your father was not an easy child,' she told me.
accommodating difficult, impossible, unyielding
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
adjective2. Requiring little effort or exertion:
3. Marked by facility, especially of expression:
4. Affording pleasurable ease:
5. Enjoying steady good fortune or financial security:
6. Unconstrained by rigid standards or ceremony:
8. Easily imposed on or tricked:
10. Marked by an absence of conventional restraint in sexual behavior; sexually unrestrained:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
سَهْـلسَهل، بِدون تَعَب على مَهلِك! هادئ ، على مهْــل ودّي، ودود
let let på tråden ligetil nem pas på!
auîveldur óòvingaîur, afslappaîur sársaukalaus varlega! rólega viîfelldinn
簡単な 容易 易い
A. ADJ (easier (compar) (easiest (superl)))
3. (= promiscuous) [woman] → fácil
a woman of easy virtue (o.f., euph) → una mujer ligera de cascos
C. CPD easy chair N → butaca f, sillón m (Sp)
•Fácil, difícil and imposible are followed directly by the infinitive when they qualify the action itself:
Solving the problem is easy, It's easy to solve the problem Es fácil resolver el problema It is sometimes difficult/impossible to control oneself En ocasiones es difícil/imposible controlarse
• When the adjective qualifies a noun or pronoun rather than the verb, de is inserted before the infinitive:
The problem is easy to solve El problema es fácil de resolver That's difficult or hard to believe Eso es difícil de creer Semtex is impossible to detect El Semtex es imposible de detectar
! Remember in this case to make the adjective agree with the noun or pronoun it describes:
Some of his works are difficult to classify Algunas de sus obras son difíciles de encasillar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
(= vulnerable) [target, prey] → facile
(in a relaxed way) to take things easy, to take it easy (not push o.s. too hard) → y aller doucement; (not worry)
Take it easy. Everything's under control → Ne t'inquiète pas. Tout est en ordre.
(= carefully) easy does it → doucement
to go easy on sth (= not take too much) → y aller doucement avec qch
to go easy on sb (= be gentle with) → y aller doucement avec qneasy-care [ˈiːzikeər] adj [fabric, shirt] → d'entretien facileeasy chair n → fauteuil m easy-going [ˌiːziˈgəʊɪŋ] adj (= equable) [person] → facile à vivre; [attitude] → complaisant(e)
She's very easy-going → Elle est très facile à vivre.easy-listening easy listening [ˌiːziˈlɪsənɪŋ]
n (= music) → easy-listening f
adj [album, CD] → d'easy-listening; [version] → easy-listeningeasy-peasy [ˌiːziˈpiːzi] adj (British) (= very easy) → fastoche easy touch n (= person)
He's an easy touch → C'est une bonne poire.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adj (+er)
(= simple) → leicht; task, job → leicht, einfach; option, solution, answer → einfach; finding somewhere to eat is an easy task → es ist leicht or einfach, ein Restaurant zu finden; it's no easy task → es ist nicht einfach; it's easy to forget that … → man vergisst leicht, dass …; it's easy for her → sie hat es leicht; it's easy for her to do it → sie kann es leicht tun; that's easy for you to say → du hast gut reden; to make easy reading → leicht zu lesen sein; he was an easy winner → er hat mühelos gewonnen; to be far from easy or none too easy → alles andere als leicht sein, nicht gerade leicht sein; that's the easy part → das ist das Einfache; it's an easy (enough) mistake to make → den Fehler kann man leicht machen, das kann einem leicht passieren; to be within easy reach of something → etw leicht erreichen können; in or by easy stages (= step by step) → Schritt für Schritt; (= gradually) → nach und nach; as easy as pie or as ABC or as falling off a log → kinderleicht; easier said than done → leichter gesagt als getan; easy credit → leicht erhältliche Kredite; on easy terms (Comm) → zu günstigen Bedingungen; to go for the easy option, to take the easy way out → es sich (dat) → leicht machen; she is easy to work with/get on with → mit ihr kann man gut arbeiten/auskommen; she opted for the easy life → sie machte sich (dat) → das Leben leicht; easy living → ein sorgenfreies Leben; to have it easy, to have an easy time (of it) → es leicht haben; to have an easy ride → es leicht haben; he will not be given an easy ride → man wird es ihm nicht leicht machen; easy prey → eine leichte Beute; to be easy meat (inf) → eine leichte Beute sein
(= relaxed) temperament, conversation, laugh, smile, voice → ungezwungen; relationship → unbefangen; tone → lässig; at an easy pace → in gemütlichem Tempo; he had a quick and easy laugh → er lachte schnell und ungezwungen; to be on easy terms with somebody → mit jdm auf vertrautem Fuß stehen; I'm easy (Brit inf) → mir ist alles recht, ist mir egal (inf); stand easy! (Brit Mil) → rührt euch!; I don't feel easy about it (= uncomfortable) → es ist mir nicht recht, mir ist dabei nicht wohl
(pej inf: = promiscuous) she's easy → sie ist immer zu haben; she wasn't like the easy girls he had known → sie war anders als die leichten Mädchen, die er gekannt hatte; to be an easy make (US) or lay (sl) → jeden ranlassen (inf); woman of easy virtue (dated euph, = prostitute) → Freudenmädchen nt
adv (inf) to go easy on somebody → nicht so streng mit jdm sein; to go easy on something → mit etw sparsam umgehen; to go easy on the brakes/one's liver → die Bremsen/seine Leber schonen; to take it easy, to take things easy (= rest) → sich schonen; take it easy! (= calm down) → immer mit der Ruhe!; (esp US, when saying goodbye) → machs gut!; easy does it → immer sachte
easy touch
n to be an easy (inf) → nicht nein or Nein sagen können
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1. (-ier (comp) (-iest (superl))) adj
b. (carefree, life) → agiato/a, tranquillo/a; (relationship) → cordiale; (relaxed, manners, style) → disinvolto/a
to feel easy in one's mind → sentirsi tranquillo/a
payment on easy terms (Comm) → facilitazioni fpl di pagamento
I'm easy (fam) → non ho problemi
2. adv easy does it! → piano!
to take it or things easy → prendersela con calma
take it easy! (don't worry) → non prendertela! (don't rush) → calma!
go easy with the sugar → vacci piano con lo zucchero
go easy on him → non essere troppo duro con lui
stand easy! (Mil) → riposo!
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(iːz) noun1. freedom from pain or from worry or hard work. a lifetime of ease. gemak, gerus راحَه، هُدوء البال свобода sossego pohoda die Bequemlichkeit velvære; bekvemmelighed άνεση alivio, bienestar muretus آسایش؛ فراغت huolettomuus bien-être מנוחה दर्द या काम की परेशानियों से छुटकारा udobnost, lagodnost nyugalom bebas vellíðan, þægindi agio 安楽 (육체적으로) 편함; 안락함 lengvumas dzīve bez raizēm un rūpēm kesenangan gemak komfort, behagelighet, velvære spokój سهولت، اّسانى، هوسايى (جسمى ياروحى): طبيعى توب، ساده توب (دسلوك sossego tihnă; pace облегчение; спокоиствие pohoda mir lagodnost välbefinnande, välbehag ไร้ความเจ็บปวด; ความกังวล; งานที่หนัก rahatlık 舒適 спокій; вдоволення درد ، پریشانی یا مشکل سے نجات sự dễ chịu 舒适
2. freedom from difficulty. He passed his exam with ease. maklik سُهولَه лекота facilidade snadnost, lehkost die Leichtigkeit med lethed; ubesværet ευκολία facilidad kergus آسانی؛ راحتی helppous facilité קלות सुगमता lakoća könnyedség mudah áreynsluleysi; hægð facilità 容易さ (어려움이나 노력이 필요없는) 용이함 lengvumas viegli; bez pūlēm dengan mudah gemak letthet łatwość سهولت، اّسانى، هوسايى uşurinţă, facilitate лёгкость ľahkosť lahkota lakoća lätthet สะดวกสบาย kolaylık 輕易 легкість مشکل سے نجات sự dễ dàng 轻易,不费劲
3. naturalness. ease of manner. gemaklik يُسْر، طبيعيّـه естествен facilidade přirozenost die Ungezwungenheit naturlighed φυσικότητα soltura sundimatus سادگی؛ راحتی luontevuus naturel רוגע सहजता neusiljenost természetesség wajar frjálsleg framkoma; hispursleysi disinvoltura 自然さ 자연스러움 laisvumas nepiespiestība; dabiskums bersahaja ongedwongenheid utvungenhet swoboda ساده توب ، اّسانى، هوسايى facilidade naturaleţe непринуждённость prirodzenosť neprisiljenost prirodnost otvungenhet, naturlighet ความเป็นธรรมชาติ doğallık 泰然自若 невимушеність قدرتی برتاؤ sự thoải mái 自由自在,从容,泰然自若
verb1. to free from pain, trouble or anxiety. A hot bath eased his tired limbs. verlos, verlig يُريح ، يُخَفّف الوجـع освобождава aliviar uvolint, uklidnit lockern lette ξαλαφρώνω aliviar lõõgastama, lõõgastuma آسوده کردن؛ آسایش دادن به rentouttaa soulager לְהָקֵל आराम देना olakšati enyhít meredakan lina, draga úr alleviare, recare sollievo 和らげる (고통, 근심, 슬픔 등이) 누그러지다 palengvinti, nuraminti remdēt (sāpes); atvieglot (ciešanas u.tml.) melegakan verlichten lette, redusere, lindre uśmierzyć, sprawić ulgę هوسای کول aliviar a alina успокаивать upokojiť sprostiti ublažiti lindra, dämpa ไม่มีความเจ็บปวดหรือความกังวล rahatlatmak 減輕(痛苦等) звільняти درد ، مشکل یا فکر سے نجات دلانا làm dịu 减轻(痛苦等)
2. (often with off) to make or become less strong, less severe, less fast etc. The pain has eased (off); The driver eased off as he approached the town. verslap, word rustiger يَخفُّ (التوتّر)، يَسْكُن забавям abrandar utišit se; zvolnit mäßigen tage af; sætte farten ned; dæmpe χαλαρώνω aflojar vähendama, järele andma تسکین دادن؛ کم کردن؛ شل کردن hellittää calmer, ralentir הרפה तनाव कम करना popustiti, smanjiti felenged, enyhül; (meg)lazít reda draga úr, lina, milda calmare, calmarsi; rallentare ゆるめる (심신의 긴장 등을) 완화하다 nurimti, atsileisti, atsipalaiduoti atslābt; atslābināt; mazināt (sāpes, saspringumu); samazināt (ātrumu, spiedienu) mengendur verminderen minske, senke, sette ned zelżeć, zwolnić هوسايى (جسمى ياروحى) abrandar a slăbi; a încetini ослаблять; сбавлять скорость poľaviť popustiti, zmanjšati hitrost usporiti lätta, minska, sakta ner บรรเทา hafiflemek 減輕,放鬆,減緩,放慢 заспокоювати شدت میں کمی آنا dịu đi 减轻,放松
3. to move (something heavy or awkward) gently or gradually in or out of position. They eased the wardrobe carefully up the narrow staircase. speel-speel يُحرّك بِلطافَه премествам бавно ajeitar opatrně nést manövrieren flytte forsigtigt μετακινώ σιγά σιγά mover con cuidado nihutama, libistama به آهستگی حرکت دادن hivuttaa doucement לְהָזִיז मूल्य कम होना popustiti cipel mendorong mjaka spostare con cautela ゆっくり動かす 신중히 움직이다 (pa)stumti, (pa)traukti pastumt; pārvietot mengalihkan dengan perlahan-lahan behoedzaam dragen flytte/skyve forsiktig suwać, przesunąć د وره حرکت کول ajeitar a muta cu grijă осторожно двигать opatrne niesť previdno premikati pažljivo pomeriti flytta försiktigt på เคลื่อนที่อย่างช้า ๆ และนุ่มนวล yavaşça ve hafifçe kımıldatmak 小心輕移 зрушувати کسی وزنی یا بے ڈھب شے کو اس کی جگہ سے لے جانا di chuyển thận trọng 小心地移置
ˈeasily adverb1. without difficulty. She won the race easily. met gemak بِسُهـولَـه лесно facilmente snadno mühelos nemt; let εύκολα fácilmente hõlpsasti به آسانی helposti facilement בקלות आसानी से lako könnyen dengan mudah auðveldlega facilmente 楽に 쉽게 lengvai viegli; bez pūlēm dengan mudah makkelijk lett, enkelt, med letthet łatwo په اسانۍ facilmente uşor легко ľahko zlahka lako lätt, med lätthet อย่างง่ายดาย kolayca 輕易地 легко بغیر مشکل کے một cách dễ dàng 轻松地
2. by far. This is easily the best book I've read this year. maklik, ongetwyfeld بِبَساطَـه، حتّى الآن до сега de longe daleko bei weitem langt κατά πολύ con diferencia ülekaalukalt به وضوح hyvinkin de loin ללֹא סָפֶק הָכִי טוֹב अब तक lako moguće kiemelkedően betul-betul tvímælalaust di gran lunga, senza dubbio 断然 단연코 neginčijamai, be abejo bez šaubām; neapšaubāmi dengan mudah ongetwijfeld avgjort, opplagt, saktens bez wątpienia, z pewnością په وضوح سره de longe de departe несомненно ďaleko zdaleč verovatno absolut, avgjort อย่างน้อย kuşkusuz 毫無疑問地 без сумніву حتمی طور پر rõ ràng 毫无疑问地
3. very probably. It may easily rain tomorrow. heel moontlik مُحتَمَـل جـدا вероятно provavelmente asi glatt højst sandsynligt πιθανότατα probablemente üsna tõenäoliselt احتمالاً؛ به احتمال زیاد ylivoimaisesti bien ללא ספק बहुत संभव है lako moguće nagyon valószínű mungkin sekali mjög sennilega probabilmente おそらく 확실히 galbūt ļoti iespējams mungkin makkelijk kanskje, saktens prawdopodobnie دیره احتمال provavelmente foarte bine/probabil вполне вероятно asi verjetno lako mycket väl น่าจะเป็น büyük bir olasılıkla 很可能 цілком بہ ظن غالب rất có thể 很可能
ˈeasiness noungemaklikheid, gemak سُهـولـه лекота facilidade snadnost die Leichtigkeit nemhed; lethed ευκολία facilidad muretus, kergus سهولت؛ رهحتی helppous facilité קלות आसानी lakoća könnyűség kemudahan auðveldleiki, kæruleysi facilità 容易さ 용이함 lengvumas vieglums; nepiespiestība mudahnya gemakkelijkheid letthet łatwość اسانتيا، اسانى facilidade uşurinţă, facilitate лёгкость ľahkosť udobnost lakoća lätthet ความสะดวก; ความง่าย kolaylık 容易,舒適 легкість آسانی sự dễ dàng 容易,温和
ˈeasy adjective1. not difficult. This is an easy job (to do). maklik سَهْـل лесен fácil lehký, snadný leicht let; simpel; ligetil εύκολος fácil kerge آسان helppo facile קל आसान, सरल lagan könnyű mudah auðveldur facile 容易な 쉬운 lengvas viegls senang makkelijk lett, enkel, uanstrengt łatwy آسان fácil uşor лёгкий ľahký lahek lak lätt, enkel ง่าย kolay 容易的 легкий آسان dễ dàng 容易的
2. free from pain, trouble, anxiety etc. He had an easy day at the office. gemaklike سَهل، بِدون تَعَب лек folgado klidný behaglich afslappet; ustresset άνετος tranquilo muretu آسوده؛ بی دردسر helppo tranquille נוח आरामदेह neužurban gondtalan tenang sársaukalaus tranquillo 安楽な 편안한 lengvas viegls mudah gemakkelijk lett, behagelig swobodny, lekki اسانتيا folgado liniştit нетрудный vyrovnaný, pokojný miren miran lättsam, behaglig ไร้ความเจ็บปวด, ความกังวล, ความเครียด rahat 舒適的 спокійний درد ، مشکل ، فکر وغیرہ سے آزاد dễ chịu 舒适的
4. relaxed; leisurely. The farmer walked with an easy stride. geruste هادئ ، على مهْــل небрежно descontraído uvolněný, lehký natürlich afslappet χαλαρός, αβίαστος tranquilo lõtv آرام؛ با فراغت خاطر rento modéré רגוע आराम से lagan kényelmes santai óþvingaður, afslappaður moderato くつろいだ 느긋한 lengvas, neskubus nesteidzīgs; viegls bersahaja ongedwongen makelig, behagelig, vid swobodny, lekki هوسا descontraído negrăbit неторопливый pomalý sproščen lagan avspänd, obesvärad, lätt ผ่อนคลาย rahatça 輕鬆的 невимушений; вільний بااطمینان thoải mái 轻松的
interjectiona command to go or act gently. Easy! You'll fall if you run too fast. bedaar على مَهلِك! леко calma! pomalu! Langsam! forsigtig!; rolig!; pas på! με το μαλακό! (επιφ.) ¡despacio! vaata ette! !یواش! ؛ مواظب باش varovasti doucement הֵרָגַע , הֵירָגַע आराम से lakše Nyugi! hati-hati varlega! rólega piano! そっとやれ 늦춰라! atsargiai! uzmanīgi! Hati-hati kalm aan Forsiktig!; Rolig!; Pass på! Uwaga! Ostrożnie! مواظب کینه calma! încet! спокойно! pomaly! počasi Polako! försiktigt! ใจเย็น ๆ nazikçe/yavaşça yapma komutu 當心 легше! спокійно! آہستگی اختیار کرنے کا حکم di chuyển nhẹ nhàng và từ từ 当心
easy chaira chair that is soft and comfortable, eg an armchair. gemakstoel كُرسي مُريح кресло poltrona křeslo der Lehnstuhl lænestol πολυθρόνα sillón, butaca tugitool صندلی راحتی lepotuoli fauteuil כִּסֵא נוֹחַ आराम कुर्सी naslonjač karosszék kursi malas hægindastóll poltrona 安楽椅子 안락의자 krėslas atzveltnes krēsls kerusi malas luie stoel lenestol fotel ارام چوكى، يا زورلرونكى چوكى cadeira de braços fotoliu мягкое кресло kreslo naslonjač tapacirana stolica länstol, fåtölj เก้าอี้ที่นุ่มและนั่งสบาย koltuk 安樂椅 м'яке крісло لمبے دستے والی آرام دہ کرسی ghế bành 安乐椅
ˌeasy-ˈgoing adjectivenot inclined to worry. gemaksugtig, sorgeloos مُتساهِل ، ليّن العَريكـه освободен descontraído lehkomyslný unbekümmert rolig; afslappet ανέμελος tranquilo lahe آسانگیر؛ خونسرد huoleton qui ne s'en fait pas נוח मस्त-मौला lagodan dolgokat könnyen vevő bersikap tenang, ramah rólyndur, afslappaður che non se la prende のんきな 느긋한 ramus bezrūpīgs; bezbēdīgs mudah dapat makkelijk rolig, avbalansert, sorgløs niefrasobliwy, nieskrępowany خونسرد descontraído calm благодушный ľahkomyseľný brezbrižen opušten sorglös ไม่มีอะไรให้กังวล rahat, geniş yürekli 隨和的 безжурний, безтурботний بردبار ، آرام طلب dễ tính 安闲的
at easefree from anxiety or embarrassment. He is completely at ease among strangers. gemaklik في راحَة واطمِئـْنـان спокоен à vontade nenucený ungezwungen afslappet; rolig άνετος, ανέμελος estar cómodo vabalt در فراغت؛ بی خیال levollinen à l'aise לְהָרגִיש נוֹחַ परेशानी इत्यादि से मुक्त udobno nyugodt tenang áhyggjulaus, afslappaður a proprio agio くつろいで 마음 편하게 nesivaržantis, laisvai besijaučiantis brīvi; nepiespiesti dengan mudah op zijn gemak trygg nieskrępowany بی خیال،چرتی à vontade în largul său непринуждённо nenútený brez zadrege lagodan väl till mods, obesvärad, hemmastadd ไม่ประหม่า rahat 自在 спокійно; невимушено سکون سے thoải mái 安逸,自由自在
easier said than donemore difficult than it at first seems. Getting seats for the theatre is easier said than done. dis maklik om te praat по-лесно е да се каже, от колкото да се направи mais fácil falar do que fazer از آنچه به نظر می رسد مشکل تر است helpommin sanottu kuin tehty קָל לְדָבֵּר बात करने से करना कठिन lakše reći nego učiniti lebih sulit 말하기는 쉬우나 행하기는 어렵다 lebih mudah gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan ستونزمن lakše reći nego učiniti พูดง่ายกว่าทำจริง 說比做容易 скоро казка мовиться, та не скоро діло робиться کہنا آسان لیکن کرنا مشکل ہے nói dễ hơn làm 说来容易做起来难
go easy onto be careful with. Go easy on the wine – there won't be enough for the rest of the guests. stadig met - يَكون حَذِرا карай по-леко с andar devagar opatrně s, šetřit s vorsichtig sein mit spar på; vær forsigtig med με το μαλακό! no pasarse con algo ära liialda امساک کردن؛ خودداری کردن ole varovainen ne pas trop en mettre לא לְהָגזִים जो कुछ हम बिना कठिनाई से प्रापत करते हैं, वह शीघ्र समाप्त हो जाता है polakše, oprezno óvatos vmivel hati-hati fara varlega með; ganga ekki um of á andarci piano 控え目にやる 조심해서 다루다 elgtis atsargiai lietot mēreni jaga-jaga rustig aan doen met være forsiktig med, spare på uważać na ... اجتناب،خود داری کول andar devagar a o lua încet (cu) не злоупотреблять opatrne s ne pretiravati polako s spara på ระวัง az kullanmak, aşırıya kaçmamak 寬容對待(某人),有節制地使用(某物) бути обережним محتاط ہونا nhẹ nhàng với ai/cái gì 小心对待,节约使用
stand at ease(eg soldiers) to stand with legs apart and hands clasped behind the back. op die plek rus يَقِفُ مُستَعِدا стоя свободно descansar stát v pohovu sich rühren stå i hvileposition στέκομαι σε ανάπαυση quedarse en posición de descanso vabalt seisma آزاد باش؛ راحت ایستادن seistä levossa se tenir au repos עָמוֹד נוֹח आराम से खड़ा होना voljno pihenj! sikap istirahat standa í hvíldarstöðu stare a riposo 休めの姿勢をとる 쉬어 자세로 있다 stovėti laisvai (par karavīriem) stāvēt brīvā stājā senang diri op de plaats rust stå på stedet hvil stać na `spocznij` آرام ایستل descansar a sta pe loc repaus стоять вольно stáť v pohove stati voljno namestu voljno stå i manöverställning ยืนแบบทหาร, การยืนโดยกางขาออกส่วนมือจะทำมาไขว้หลัง rahatta durmak 稍息 вільно پیروں کو الگ کر اور ہاتھوں کو پشت پر باندھ کر کھڑے ہونا ، خاص ک فوجیوں کا ở tư thế đứng nghỉ 稍息
take it easynot to work etc hard or energetically; to avoid using much effort. The doctor told him to take it easy. ontspan هَوّن عَليك! не се претоварвай não exagerar nenamáhat se sich Zeit lassen tage det roligt; slappe af αποφεύγω να κουράζομαι tomar las cosas con calma rahulikult suhtuma سخت کار نکردن ottaa rauhallisesti ne pas se fatiguer קָח אֶת זֶה בְּקלוּת परिश्रम से कार्य नहीं करना samo polako lassan a testtel! santai saja taka því rólega; ekki leggja of mikið á sig prendersela comoda/con calma 気楽にする 서두르지 않다 nepersitempti nepārpūlēties; izturēties mierīgi bersenang-senang het rustig aan doen ta det med ro nie przemęczać się سخت کار نه کول não exagerar a nu se obosi не усердствовать nenamáhať sa ne pretiravati plako ta det lugnt ทำโดยไม่ต้องออกแรงมาก kendini yormamak; sıkıntıya sokmamak 慢慢來,放輕鬆,別緊張 не дуже старатися; не брати близько до серця احتیاط ، نرمی سے کام لینا nghỉ ngơi 松懈,不生气,不紧张
take one's easeto make oneself comfortable; to relax. There he was – taking his ease in his father's chair! maak gemaklik يَستَريح почивам си descansar à vontade odpočívat es sich bequem machen gøre sig det bekvemt; slappe af ξεκουράζομαι tomarse un respiro ennast mõnusalt tundma آسوده خاطر و راحت شدن tehdä olonsa mukavaksi prendre ses aises נוח आराम करना raskomotiti se kényelembe helyezkedik santai láta fara vel um sig mettersi a proprio agio くつろぐ 휴식하다 patogiai įsitaisyti, ilsėtis atpūsties bersenang-senang zijn gemak ervan nemen slappe av, gjøre det bekvemt for seg siedzieć wygodnie, odpoczywać آرام شول descansar à vontade a se face comod расслабляться, отдыхать odpočívať udobno se namestiti odmarati se göra det bekvämt för sig, ha det skönt ผ่อนคลาย rahatına bakmak 休息,放鬆 відпочивати اپنے آپ کو آرام دہ حالت میں کرنا thư giãn 休息,放松
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ سَهْل snadný let einfach εύκολος fácil helppo facile lagan facile 簡単な 쉬운 gemakkelijk lettvint łatwy fácil легко enkel ง่าย kolay dễ 容易的Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
a. fácil;
within ___ reach → al alcance de la mano;
___ payments → facilidades de pago.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/easy+on+the+eye
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