Will Intelligent Faith Conference Count for Continuing Ed Credit

Continuing Education Accreditation

RW360 is pleased to work with state agencies, professional organizations and individuals to secure continuing education accreditation for our training courses for a variety of professions, includingteachers, nurses, attorneys, counselors and social workers. Accreditation is typically granted for 6, 8 or 10 contact hours, depending on how much optional reading and writing is completed during a particular course.

Secular and Faith-Based Courses

Recognizing that American professionals embrace a variety of world views, RW360 has developed two CEU-approved courses on relational wisdom. Exploring Relational Wisdom  is a neutral "values-based" course that contains no religious content and has been accredited for use in secular settings.

Discovering Relational Wisdom is a faith-based course that has been accredited for use in Christian settings. 100% of the content of the values-based course is included within the faith-based course, so students may receive a certificate of completion for our secular training (Exploring Relational Wisdom) by completing either course.

Continuing Education for Teachers

The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) has approved RW360 as a "Ministry Partner" and accredited our Discovering Relational Wisdom 3.0 training in relational wisdom for 6 contact hours of continuing education credit (1 CEU) (see ACSI CEU details). To see how teachers and administrators can apply RW with students, parents and peers, see Enhancing Relational Skills and Reducing Conflict in a Christian School.

The Montana Office of Public Instruction has approved our E xploring Relational Wisdom course for 10 contact hours of "renewal credits." RW360 is pursing similar approval in other states. Until that approval is secured, teachers in other states may request that their state licensing bodies accept the accreditation granted by the Montana Office of Public Instruction (see helpful resources below). To see how teachers and administrators can apply RW with students, parents and peers, see Enhancing Relational Skills and Reducing Conflict in a Public School.

Continuing Education for Nurses: Exploring Relational Wisdom

This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation (see disclosures and supporting studies). This course has been approved for 10 contact hours.

Continuing Education for Attorneys

Working in cooperation with the Christian Legal Society , RW360 has developed a custom three-hour course for attorneys ( Attorneys as Relationally Wise Peacemakers and Conciliators ) that has been approved for continuing legal education credit throughout the United States. This course is available through the RW Academy and is frequently presented as a live seminar for law firms and Christian Legal Society Chapters.

The Montana Board of Behavioral Health , which licenses social workers, counselors and therapists, has approved our online training on a case-by-case basis for 10 hours of continuing education . Counselors and Social Workers in other states may request that their state accrediting bodies grant similar approval (see below).

Our online training has also been accepted for continuing education credit for individuals who have been certified through the International Board of Christian Care (IBCC), which includes the Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counseling (BCPPC), theBoard of Christian Life Coaching (BCLC) andChristian Crisis and Trauma Response (BCCTR). This approval has been granted on a case-by-case basis, so we recommend that you confirm continued acceptance by the relevant board before registering for the course.

Individual, State-By-State Applications

Requirements for CE approval vary from state to state and from one profession to another. If your profession or state has not formally accredited RW360 training for CE credit, you may make an individual application for credit to your licensing agency. Many accrediting agencies will grant CE credit based upon the following documentation:

  1. "Features and Benefits Statement," which provides an overview of RW360 training
  2. A summary sheet of the key RW principles (download here)
  3. A copy of the study guide for the values-based course (download here)
  4. A certificate of completion for 6, 8 or 10 hours of online training (provided at the end of the course, depending on how much optional reading and writing you during the course).
  5. It can also be helpful to provide a link to articles on the benefits of emotional intelligence in your particular profession.

If you would like our assistance in applying for continuing education accreditation with a particular professional organization or accrediting body, please contact the RW Team, mail@rw360.org


Source: https://rw360.org/continuing-education-accrediation/

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